
Snowy days

On the way to my mom and dad's we stopped and took pictures of the heavy frost on everything! It was so pretty!

Change of name

Ok so after I started my blog I decided that the name wasn't perfect! Ha, go figure.....but no really the more I thought about it I didn't like that it said loved, it should say forgiven (because daily my Lord forgives me for my short comings) then I started thinking I don't want to have the reputation of only writing about bad things, I want to share the good things in my life too, because God has blessed me in many ways!

So New Name! Start Over daily here we come!!!!


I'm Not Perfect

I hate writing....I'm not good at it. I can't spell to save my life, my grammar is terrible, and painting pictures with words is a concept I hardly understand. BUT, I feel God is leading me to do this for a few reason. The biggest reason is, I'm not perfect and THAT'S OK! I hate not being perfect, I want to be, I like people to think I am, and the fact that I know  this post alreadyisn't perfect bothers me.

I know everyone and their dogs have blogs right now (yet another reason why I don't want to do one) and all of them seem to have a theme, some of my favorite are, cooking blogs, mommy blogs, photography blogs, sale blogs and the list really could go on. I don't know what my blog is yet. All I know is that I NEED to be transparent and if your going to learn to be transparent why not on the world wide web:-) 

 So I'm learning that being perfect is overrated, not to mention overwhelming and unrealistic. God says in Hebrews 13:5 "Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake." If God will never leave me because I'm not perfect then I have nothing to loose! So why am I trying to put on the face of perfection to the world? Fear of rejections, wanting to be liked, not wanting to disappoint others......all these reason have nothing to do with what I WANT or what GOD wants from me. In verse 6 of Hebrews 13 it goes on to say "The Lord is my Helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"
So, with the Lord as my helper I am not afraid of MAN and what they may think of me and my not perfect life. I WILL NOT BE AFRAID.....right!.....well I'll keep telling myself this and we will see what happens:-)