
By the Will of God

God has been working in my heart lately in the area of my job. I don't have a fancy job, it's not glamorous in the least, nor is it fun at times, BUT God gave me this job and I am farthing HIS KINGDOM through working for Him.

In Ephesians 1:1  it says, "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God..."
All this is stating is that Paul is an apostle for Christ and the it is God's Will that this is his job. So If I was to personalize this it would read......

Amy, a Daycare provider of Jesus Christ by the Will of God.

It is by the WILL OF GOD that I do the job I do. To me, this is quite the statement, thank goodness it's God's Will and not mine, Some days I might just go crazy! :-) Knowing that God is in control and that it pleases Him that I care for these children is very comforting.

Someone told my that no job is too small for God's Kingdom. That me being a daycare provider is just as important a job as my Pastor's job to Shepherd the sheep in his church is. So with this thought in mind.....My job not only is to take care of these children's physical needs but to also tend to their spiritual needs as well. By praying for them, loving on them and showing them who Christ is. This is a job I am HONORED to do if that's what Christ wants me to be doing for HIS KINGDOM.

So somewhere between the hundreds of Cheerios, messy faces and tears I will worship my Lord and praise Him for such an HONOR to serve Him in this place.

So what's your job? Did you know that you do what you do because it's the WILL of GOD? What an honor to serve Him in whatever way He has called you! So I hope that DAILY you bring your job to the Lord and ask how you can serve Him with it!


Potty Training

This caught me COMPLETELY off guard! I was planning on doing this potty training thing when it was warm outside, strip him down to nothing and let him figure it out, not when 2-3 layers of clothing are needed just to stay warm! Needless to say Jaxon decided on Monday morning he was not putting another diaper on. I thought "yeah sure, this will last until you have to go and it ends up on my floor" but I let him go commando and by golly he kept telling me he had to go. By 12pm he told me he needed big boy underwear and that Nana needed to take him. So Papa Jim and Nana came after nap and took him shopping. Now if you know Jaxon, he doesn't get excited about much but he was as excited as one Jaxon can get about this trip that involved Cheetos and Thomas underwear. So yeah we are on day 5 and had 3 accidents total. We made a potty chart and decided to go for it!
I am 1 of 3 girls, I did not grow up with boys, I babysit 3 girls, jaxon is the ONLY boy, this boy potty training is a little on the tricky side and Derek and I have decided that this is a very LARGE learning curve. I really don't think anyone or anything could have prepared me for this part of parenting. So in the past 5 days this is what I've learned

1. Don't stand in front of him while he is doing his business, because if said business is not situated prefect you WILL get wet.

2. If he says he has to go poop and after 5 times being sat on the toilet doesn't get the job done, don't just brush him off, because you will be picking that poop up from your floor, his fingers, foot and possibly other unwanted locations. This is not a lazy mans game people!!

3. You form a bathroom radar while out. I have some how formed this radar for the closest bathroom in any store. I have a plan of action in any outing, Go before you leave the house, go when you first get to location, go before leaving location and then go when you arrive safe back in home environment.

4. While out and about you don't have a potty chair which means you have to help with the pushing down of the business, if you don't get it just right you will end up wet, the floor and possibly the child also will end up wet. So focus!

5. when you find yourself being sprayed unexpectedly, the palm of the hand deflects fairly nice.

6. WASH HANDS......Nuff said

7. Clorox wipe are my best friend!

8. Apparently all clothes below the waist must come off EVERY time he is doing this new activity
9. He's growing up too fast! :-(

10. Stickers are AWESOME!

So yes, Jaxon has taught us a lot about this toilet training business this week. He acts like this is normal, we are the ones that seem to be at our first rodeo.
Any advise or stories are welcome at this point!