In Ephesians 1:1 it says, "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God..."
All this is stating is that Paul is an apostle for Christ and the it is God's Will that this is his job. So If I was to personalize this it would read......
Amy, a Daycare provider of Jesus Christ by the Will of God.
It is by the WILL OF GOD that I do the job I do. To me, this is quite the statement, thank goodness it's God's Will and not mine, Some days I might just go crazy! :-) Knowing that God is in control and that it pleases Him that I care for these children is very comforting.
Someone told my that no job is too small for God's Kingdom. That me being a daycare provider is just as important a job as my Pastor's job to Shepherd the sheep in his church is. So with this thought in mind.....My job not only is to take care of these children's physical needs but to also tend to their spiritual needs as well. By praying for them, loving on them and showing them who Christ is. This is a job I am HONORED to do if that's what Christ wants me to be doing for HIS KINGDOM.
So somewhere between the hundreds of Cheerios, messy faces and tears I will worship my Lord and praise Him for such an HONOR to serve Him in this place.
So what's your job? Did you know that you do what you do because it's the WILL of GOD? What an honor to serve Him in whatever way He has called you! So I hope that DAILY you bring your job to the Lord and ask how you can serve Him with it!