

When I was 6 weeks old tragedy hit my family in a way that changed our lives forever. My dad (Daniel Steffes) was killed in an accident. Although at the time it didn't affect me personally in a way I remember, I have definitely struggled with understanding my place in family dynamics since. When I was 9 or 10 I was adopted by a man (James Quaney) who is the best father anyone could possibly be. Because I have no desire to hurt his feels or belittle him in anyway this is where my struggle begins. I was given 2 fathers. One father I will never know besides what people tell me, like I walk like him. My other father has raised me from the start of almost every memory I have. He CHOOSE to be my dad. He has been a rock, he has been a supporter and he has loved me for everything I am and who I have become. I LOVE MY DAD. Not that I don't love Daniel, that is not what I'm saying. I'm saying I love James too. I'm so THANKFUL that at the age of 25 he chose to take on 2 kids under the age of 5 and a wife. I'm so GRATEFUL that blood does not mean anything to him. I'm so BLESSED to feel nothing but love from this man.

God works in ways that are so interesting sometimes, you see, the date Daniel died in 1985 is the same date James adopted me on in 1994. Every year around this date we celebrate our family by taking a picture. Please enjoy.

This particular photo shoot I felt needed a couch.........
they were so thrilled:-)

so were the walkers.