
My Best Friend

My best friend is a WONDERFUL, LOVING, KIND person....

By Day He is a analyst, who wears a tie 5 days a week......

By Night a triathlon trainee....

He is PERSONABLE, LOVING, SMART, STRONG, UNIQUE and he's the love of my LIFE!
He is a WONDERFUL daddy of 2

Meet Derek

Derek is the kind of guy that if he met you once he will considers you a friend for life.......He is VERY honest. If you ask him a question you don't have to worry about him not telling the truth, even if the truth isn't what you want to hear :-) He's real. He's MY Derek.

I've never met anyone faster at numbers. EVERYTHING has a number in his mind. It is not unusual to have a percentage added to the likelihood of something happening or not happening. He has number sequences saved in his brain even he doesn't know what they are to......onetime it was his sweet mates Social Security number.....yes this scared his co-worker out just a tad.

Derek is an athlete. He has set the goal to train for a triathlon this winter. Within the first week he could swim, bike and run within a competitive time frame. I'm just always amazed at how hard he can push his body to go. Me, I'm a wimp. But, Derek is STRONG. He is determined.

Did I mention that Derek is the best Daddy every for 2 little kiddos?
Well he is! Derek has this smile that he only has for his kids. I've tried to capture it but have trouble not getting a child's face in the picture also. The Kids also have smiles just for their daddy. It makes me happy when I see these smiles.

I knew of Derek in 1st grade....so in Derek's eyes we have been friends since first grade:-) But we re-met when I was a freshman at Mid-Plains Community College. He was in his 2nd year and had just moved back home to take some generals. He had longer curly hair, a husker hat, and (what I thought were ridiculous) black and white shoes he called "kicks". He was casual, laid back, every one's best friend and don't ever try to "plan" an activity, just go with the flow kind of guy. He still is that guy, maybe a little more mature and grown up but deep down he still prefers his ball cap and "kicks" any day. And can make a friend in the check out line at Walmart. He Loves God, Loves our kids and Loves me with his Whole heart!

There are so many layers to Derek, He loves to drive anything that moves, wants to take a sailboat around the world, become a business man and retire on the Coast somewhere. He could talk to a fence post if there was no one to listen to him, and cares deeply for the people in his life. This is the
I feel so blessed to spend our WHOLE lives together!


Proverbs 31 Woman

When I was about 13 or 14 my sister and I memorized Proverbs 31:10-31 and put it to sign language. In my eyes, my mother is a Proverbs 31 woman. She is a very wise and humble woman who desires the best for her children and grandchildren. She is a hard worker. I don't know a day growing up that my mom wasn't the first to wake up and have the house warm, breakfast cooking and her sitting in her chair spending time with her Lord when I woke up. Just thinking back to this I get good warm feelings inside.

I never see my mom  as happy as she is when her family is around her.

      I am not saying my mom was perfect but she did strive and still does strive to reflect Christ on a daily basis. I love her for this and I am thankful I have this example in my life.
   A friend told me ones that if we look to people for how a Christian should act we will be greatly disappointed, but if we look to Christ we will be humbled. So I will look to Christ for my example as I strive to become a Proverbs 31 woman.......

Although I don't remember by memory all 21 verses there are a few that stick with me.....

Verse 15 "She gets up while it is still dark" this one is hard for me. I am normally a morning person and I do Love watching the sun come up with a nice cup of tea in my hands. Getting an average of 6 hours of sleep is not enough for me. So I am dragging myself out of bed at 7 most morning and start running around like crazy. This is an area I am going to strive to work on........

I woke up to Lexi blowing bubbles this morning:-)

vs. 17  "She sets about her work vigorously" I am blessed to be home with my kids (plus a few extras) and there are days it's hard for me to stay motivated and accomplish more then the, eat, sleep. change diapers schedule so I have made myself a schedule of "to do's" each day.

Mondays are bills.......There are weeks that this doesn't get done but it is an attempt

Tuesdays are Laundry day.....I refuse to do laundry any other day unless it's completely necessary. The GOAL is to have everything back in the drawers before bedtime....doesn't always happen but it is a goal.

Wednesday is Bathroom day.....If I miss the day (which happens regularly) I at least know it has only been two weeks since it's been done. Oh! And while taking this picture I realized my carpets smelled like my dog had used it as his personal bathroom.......ad that to the list of things to do.....  :-/

Thursdays is floors......The floors get swept and kitchen mopped....Let's just say this is more like a bi weekly chore:-)

This floor is far from clean.....

Fridays are play day! The kids and I go somewhere usually and play or do something fun at home.

Vs 27 " She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness." My mom is really good at this one. I want to be sensitive to my children's needs and proactive in helping them and guiding their hearts to love Jesus. I'm working on this. I don't want to be lazy so small steps like, fixing my hair and making myself presentable every morning is a good step towards this.
   In an attempt to not being idle I have been on a mission of finishing our kitchen (we started the project in July) I have been learning how to use lots of new tools!
 Power Drills are fun!

 I learned how to put in screws without a stud.....it's a little plastic thing and drill holes with these two projects

 My helper

vs 28 "Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:" I believe this part is one of the blessing of being a Proverbs 31 woman. I truly do call my mom BLESSED and I have NEVER heard my dad say anything less then kind about his wife. Someday I pray I will be called blessed

vs 30 "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised"  I think the only way we can truly become God Fearers is to read His Word, Prayer and focusing on who God wants us to be. Although I strive to spend time with my Savior I fail miserably in this department. My Goal is to change this in my life so that I can become a better, wife, daughter, mother and Child of God.

So are you a Proverbs 31 woman? Are you trying to be? I would love to know what you do to work towards this goal daily.