

So my passion for photography really took off when I had my first child. I had been exposed to photography for awhile (my first job was as an assistant for a photographer) but never got serious until about 2 years ago.
Here is my first attempt at a photo shoot.....it took most of the day and 100's of pictures to get these shots

My small business has really been a blessing from the Lord and I can't say how many times I have wondered in amazement at how he has provided. Right now I am drowning in paperwork and marketing plans (not why I do what I do) but God just keeps allowing me to connect to people through capturing their lives. It has exploded in business in the last 6 months, so much so  that I have had to turn away people or book out a month in advance!

One of my blogging friends calls herself a "momarazzi" check her out at somethingreal she is very funny! I don't think I'm quite a momarazzi because I usually don't have my camera with me for candids unless I planned to capture a moment. But I am PASSIONATE about photography. I LOVE LOVE LOVE waisting hours looking at other peoples work, thinking up new poses, talking about photography or creating a prop to use. It is an outlet for me.

If you haven't picked up on it yet or not, I am kind of a craft lover. If I get to use my creative side and make something I'm all for it, even building our 450 sq. ft. deck has been fun for me. Although when I made the comment that building the deck was like sewing a blanket I did get a strange look from my husband.

I also have a passion for children, their sweet smiles, bubbly energy, and joy for life is so liberating to be around. Learning about how to pose a newborn has been fun with several fails but I'm are getting there!

So my philosophy on photography is ask questions! I am more then happy to share what I know and how I did it because I know that is how I learned. I want to share my photography with others because I get so much joy from it and want others to feel the same!
Here are a few of the sites I waist time on and I'm pretty sure you will too:-)

Clickin' moms Really fun and has lots of sponsor site I like too

mcp actions I like their Facebook page too, they give short informational blips on techniques

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! And go out and take some pictures!

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