
Day 15,16 and 17

Weekends are a killer for getting these posted and I didn't do a single productive thing all weekend!

Day 15: Silhouette
These are so boring! So sorry!
 My curtain  in the bathroom, it is a fishing net that was hand made by Derek's grandpa, since he is  not here anymore it is pretty special.
 One of the roses D got me for having such a crummy weekend with a sick sick baby girl, what Great guy!
 Now this is a silhouette! I can't wait for their wedding on the lake at sunset in a few short months!
One of my sweet friends and her family on their ranch North of North Platte, taken last summer.

Day 16: Long Exposure
I had these great plans to do sparklers and try out the steps from this call here I found her because of my sweet friend blogger Kim She has some great blogs! But I guess I will have to try those another day.
So This is what I got

There are these really cool landscape pictures where they expose the picture for like 5-10 seconds and the water looks like glass. I think they are really cool so that's what I tried to do with the flowers.....I'll keep working on that. And jj on his bike is boring but it works.

Day 17: Technology
I struggle with technology, the technology I've been working on the most lately is this one,
My camera. I'm getting better but not there yet, just got a new flash unity from AlienBees LOVE it! but it's a little overwhelming. working on getting lightroom and photoshop along with a mac.......yes a mac! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Any guidance in this area is welcome!
So theirs the weekend pictures for you! I'll hopefully be back with today's later!
Happy Monday all!

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