
Celebrating Life

A year ago today I lost my Grandma very suddenly. I don't like remembering days like this but it just kind of is ingrained in your brain I think. Yesterday my family got together to celebrate the life Grandma had and the lives she touched.

I have a blanket that needs mending but can't bring myself to do it by myself, it got mended by grandma at one of my last visits to her before she got sick.....that was always her job....to fix our mending.....she taught me how to sew....I haven't sewn much this year.....I don't really want to talk about it....I want to crawl back in bed really....but life goes on.....
deep breath....someone once told me that when you are consumed with sadness one of the greatest things you can do is invest love into someone else. She said the easiest person to give love to was a child. The Joy of a child is like nothing else.....I feel so blessed to be surrounded by 6 joyful bundles all day today!

So here is some pictures of my family celebrating Grandma.


It's been awhile.....

It's been a few months since I posted about my children....There doing good in case you didn't know:-) Preschool is a big part of our week....we are working on getting through the alphabet before summer gets here. The million dollar question I'm asked weekly is are you  going to home school your kids? The answer.....I DON'T KNOW! I can't say I feel completely called to it...yet...I do still have a good two years to decide. But I can say I am burdened by the amount of time children are asked to sit in desks at such Young ages. Boys in particular...girls too... were not created to sit QUIETLY and do anything for long periods of time. I'm not saying teachers don't try to acknowledge this in the classroom but when you are responsible for up to 25 children without any help (budget cuts in our area) I can't imagine being able to do much but well organized activities just to stay sane. so there...you have heard my soap box.....don't be mad at me...it's just my opinion, Right or wrong.....I mean I went to school to be a teacher I don't hate teachers I just think it's sad what our society has put on them to teach our children.

ok enough rambling......a while back we learned the letter N.....we are on T now......So Noodles were a big part of our activities. I try not to do a bunch of worksheets and do more hands on learning type stuff......So it's normal to make 2 lbs of noodles for kids to play with right? well it's kind of normal here.....And spaghetti is just a given during N week.

oh yes, use your fingers.....

Larger RED messy mess!

Messes are great.....right.......

Even makes for happy babies......as a side note.....This little girl is 1 today!


Maybe Bath time should be next.....

I'm telling your minutes of entertainment here.......

They did ask for more red sauce to which I said NO NO NO NO thank you!

Digging out the small toy hidden inside

He kept telling me it was sticky
THEN because it's been like 80 degrees in march we did some homemade sidewalk chalk......Don't mind my kid's hair! It's crazy crazy!!!!

Lexi thinks hot = no clothing, oh! and we are in this faze that we have to wear "underwear"

She really isn't an orphan!

Another raggedy Ann child of mine.....I do know what a hair cut is!

Sweet Grace! painting her little heart out.


This activity lasted ALMOST as long as it took me to make the stuff :-) That's pretty good in our book.
So there, now your are kind of sort of updated on our lives.......oh! and so sorry, these pictures are straight off the camera no extras here. Don't have time......


crappy day activity.....

one of my new years resolution was to do more purposeful activities with the kids. not just a bunch of free play. I want to cultivate activities that aren't structured but still have developmental truths to them. So today my house is under construction and probably will be for the next few months with new carpet, flooring for kitchen, painting bedroom, building an armoire, siding, roofing and landscaping all on the "honey do" list by June. so right now I have half a set of bunk beds in my living room including mattress....what else do you do with a mattress that's in the way? push it down the stairs.....right?????

Learning to be helpful...AND muscle development!

Problem Solving.....

is this safe she asks.....sure! I say....safe enough!

a child should feel a minimum of 100 impacts a day for proper development on joints and such...I think way hit that....

buddy jumping got nixed fairly fast...that was a little unsafe:-)

Lou-Lou thought it was great too!

we moved on to dance party...more joint impact development....

and Jax declares "let's make the fun jumps funner!"

problem solving running into TV...smart kids!
So, you want to send your kid to my house right? :-)



I know I need to blog about the cruise, my daughter turning 1 and a few other things that have happened in the last few months but I can't, I'm on the wrong computer for all of those pictures and there is a sleeping baby in the room with the right computer (I dare you to go in there). It's my last day of work for the year and I have my to do list mostly done....besides the baking that I don't want to really do right now.....I have decided that baking is not a creative outlet for me. sewing, photography, bow making, crafting even coloring come before baking in my book.

Ok so here are my 12 things.......pictures.......happenings.....and whatever else might fit....Christmas:

12 minute photo op with kids
not sure how to turn it sorry....

Jaxon trying to be helpful

11 Quaney People

this is the end product of a photoshoot with my family on the bike trail. after this I have put a remote on my want list for photog equipment:-)

10 Petersen People (Derek's family)

I took Derek's family pictures in November, these are the grandchildren and grandparents

9 days of vacation!!!!

Starting tomorrow!

8 daycare children!

I like how Caroline is showing us what she is eating:-)
I have the pleasure of watching these wonderful babies. I have 2 9months olds (born the same day), a 14 month old (Lexi), 3 three year olds, a 5 year old, 8 year old and after the new year a 10 week old will start coming 2 days a week!
God is so good!

7 days of vacation

Derek took me on a 4 day cruise early November for our "5th Ann. a year late, we may not be lone again until the kids are gone, thank you photography..... cruise" 

6 times a day.....at least! I'm saving lexi from something or other. Today it was Jaxon's bed, standing on the changing table (I didn't put her up there), and running with a fork....got to love toddler stage.
Lexi getting her own drink......
5 Great Grandbabies on the Putman side!

4-ty dozen Cinnamon roles for friends and family.

3 days until Christmas yeah!!!!

2 of the cutest kids I know!

1 Merry Christmas to you all!

and a happy new year!