
baby Girl 11month pictures

Ok So I told you all that I would share 11 month pictures....well since next week she is 1 year I should show you:-) I used the pics for her invits to her party so I didn't want to ruin the fun until after everyone got there invites........which means if you are reading this and did not get an invite this could be akward.......You are all invited! I promise! I love parties and you are all welcome to come......And since there is like a whole 8 people that follow this blog I'm not really worried:-)

My Preschool teacher (not joking) made the invitation for me. She is fabulous! She is really the whole reason I wanted to be a teacher! I still have vivid memories of being in her classroom and feeling so smart and safe there. But Anyway, she does creative memories and made the invites.
Hope you enjoy them! I've got big.....messy plans for 1 year pictures:-)

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