
Hardest week of my life

Ever have a "Dear Diary" kind of moment where you just have lots that needs to be said but you really don't want to talk to anyone so you want to write in your diary? Well that's me today. So don't mind me as I ramble a little bit.........

This week sucked, it started last Saturday when my grandma died pretty suddenly. She was in the hospital for Pneumonia and had complications. So I cried lots (obviously) then I got an eye infection because of too much crying and the Dr. told me (at 9:30pm Monday) not to cry too much at the funeral tomorrow because you will damage your cornea....mmmmm....this sounds do able right? So on top of not being able to see my baby girl is wheezing and Jaxon is coughing. I keep telling myself, it's just a cold, they will get better. Ok so we get through the funeral without too many tears, mainly because my children where demanding most of my attention. I did manage to catch the pastor call my grandma "Jan PutNAM" (it's Janice Putman).

At this point my house is in very sad shape because we have done a lot of drop off and leave. Laundry hasn't been done in 2 weeks, dishes are in the sink from Saturday still.....So Wednesday roles around and with the downing of the sun so does a fever of 103 for yours truly. YEAH! I have daycare here because I couldn't close yet again, poor parents, I might stress them out....oh yeah, and my eyes are still blood shot and feel like sand paper. Welcome kid number one (coughing) kid number two (runny nose coughing) and kid number 3 (fever). and don't forget my two are not much better shape. We sit on the couch and snuggle all day, go to eye Dr. at 5 in hopes for some eye relief. He tells me my fever could be because I now have a virus in my eyes as well as a bacterial infection. OH GOODY!

is this week over yet?.....not quiet it's got to get worse be fore better right?

So Thursday, 7am, low fever but not bad, sore throat and runny nose, but I'm really worried about Lexi, she acts like she can't breath. 9 am, fever of 102 and can feel my throat close shut every time I swallow. Look inside my mouth and find little white puss pockets covering everything. WONDERFUL! Well time to call the Dr. I guess, since we are already going in Lexi can get looked at too. 1:30pm can't see much out of left eye, can't turn my neck to the left and it even hurts to breath because the air has to pass through my mouth since my nose is plugged. Oh, and Lexi sounds like she is whistling every time she breaths. Get to the Dr. yep I have strep, a cold and an eye infection not to mention all the symptoms of influenza but that came back negative. OH DARN. and Lexi has RSV. WHOOHOO!

Can this week get any better?

So after filling 7 prescriptions at the pharmacy I come home and act like a zombie for the rest of the day. I have NEVER been in this much pain. oh and the house is starting to smell at this point because it still is not cleaned.

Gave Lexi her breathing treatments (that's fun all in it's self) and got to bed. I can't even yawn because my tonsils touch and my gage reflux kicks in.

now it's Friday, ahhhhhhh, do you hear that? that's me breathing. the calm at the end of the storm. Or is that the calm before the storm? Oh I hope not! I can breath better, Lexi is not wheezing and my laundry and dishes are slowly getting done (it's the little things that make me happy). Still have to touchier Lexi with breathing treatments but they are helping. I can see the light at the end of this nasty awefull week! Thank the Lord!

You know what is interesting though? I never felt overwhelmed. I never felt like breaking down and screaming at God. I know he is my comforter and only gives me what I can handle, who knows maybe I had to get that sick in order to get poor Lexi to the Dr.'s office. I will never know His plan, but I do know I'm thankful I am a part of that plan.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, Iam sorry you have had such a hard week. We went through the sickness stuff about a month ago... no fun! I haven't lost any family members yet, but I can imagine how hard it is. I am sure your sickness was caused by stress. Hang in there friend!!!
