
Kale...don't hate it!!!

Dirty juice, green shake, power shake, cancer killer, veggie drink.....All names for the most AMAZING drink in the world! It's got everything in it folks!
Now I know what you are thinking, you mentioned kale, I hate it already! I want you to know I'm not a "foodie" I don't only eat healthy for you things and say things taste good even when it tastes worse then cardboard. I like food. My favorite restaurant is Amigos (yes I know you just cringed). So although we try to keep to whole foods and such at home we are far from great at it. Believe me when I tell you this drink is WONDERFUL!

Let me tell you about it...

It's got kale and spinach (pretty much anything green is alive and great for your body)
 1/4 a lemon (this in my opinion is key ingredient to the goodness) and some carrots. Leave the rind on the lemon because it's got great stuff too!
 a slice of pineapple for sweetener (although I think it's good without too) some whole fax seed, a chunk of ginger, maybe some garlic.
 A whole apple seeds and all
Some juice of choice, frozen blueberries (you can use grapes, strawberries or raspberries if you rather)
a hand full of ice to chill it and turn the baby on!

oh wait I forgot something! You need a vitamix. Yes, this is a wonderful word in our home, use it at least one time a day if not more. This baby has 2 horse power and shreds anything in it's path. so this is why you can leave all the seeds, rind and other not so tasty things and you won't notice. All the goodness just blends right down to a smooth wonderful texture that taste oh so good!
Now this one is purple and not green because the blueberries. but if you didn't use them and used grapes or something you would have a very vibrant green drink.

I'm telling you my kids beg for these! I've even been known to say "if you eat all your lunch you can have some" so not just my "crazy" healthy kid like these. All of them think they are the best. (side note, mommy got scissor happy with poor Jaoxn's head...)

What else does this amazing machine do you ask? Well! It makes soup, hummus, salsa, scrambled eggs, shakes, margaritas, snow cones, ICE CREAM.....all under 30 seconds for most of it. Soups have to heat up so they take a tad longer. Maybe 3 min.

So there you go You Tube Vitamix and see what comes up! And come on over for a dirty juice! I would LOVE to make you a believer too!

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