Day 26: up close
Meet Norah! Sweet norah is one of my youngest daycare kids. She is a baby doll! I love her smile in the mornings when she comes!!!
Day 27: From a distance
My Love keeps his distance from most Veggies, unless it is coated in cheese or something he stays far far away. So tonight I'm trying a new recipe that has summer squash, onion and potatoes with a little olive oil, salt, pepper, bacon and garlic salt......supper is ready now so I better get off here and go try it out!
Day 25: Something Pink
Something PINK!!!! I LOVE PINK!!!!! add a little zebra and you have the perfect little 1 year old combo!
Here is a sneak peek on Alexis Jo's 11 month pictures and 1 year invites......
Here is a sneak peek on Alexis Jo's 11 month pictures and 1 year invites......
Day 23: sunflare

If anyone knows me, they know I love love sun flare. This is taken with the phone camera so nothing fancy here just my love admiring a classic car
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2
This would be one of my favorite ones I've done in the recent pased.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2
This would be one of my favorite ones I've done in the recent pased.
Day 21 and 22
Day 21: faceless self-portrait
I curled my hair for the first time since I chopped my hair off a year and a half ago. Brought back rodeo queen days.....aahhhh the smell of fried hair and hair spray...... I did remember WHY I don't curl it anymore, IT TAKES FOREVER!
Ready for my date with the love of my life:-)
Day 22: Hands
I took this one last weekend....
I curled my hair for the first time since I chopped my hair off a year and a half ago. Brought back rodeo queen days.....aahhhh the smell of fried hair and hair spray...... I did remember WHY I don't curl it anymore, IT TAKES FOREVER!
Ready for my date with the love of my life:-)
Day 22: Hands
I took this one last weekend....
days 18,19 and 20
Day 18: your shoes
I had great plans for this one but sick kids and 5 shoots in 5 days killed that plan.
most of the time you won't find me wearing any shoes, I hate shoes on my feet but I LOVE buying shoes....I hate socks too.....therefor my feet are nasty nasty. Thank goodness my husband spoils me with pedicures for every occasion.
So These are my shoes of the day. I love these shoes! I bought them on a garage sale for .50 when I was pregnant with Jaxon. My feet were so swollen I couldn't even get them on half way but I had hopes of wearing them the following year. I remember being SO excited about being able to wear these shoes. It was like a milestone that all the baby weight had melted away. On this day the shoes fell victim to a what activity.....
Day 19: Something Orange
Got to love a good Popsicle!
her first Popsicle I let her eat on her own......we got it backwards.....I think it was feeling good on her sore gums, darn teeth anyway!
Day 20: Bokeh
you say what is bokeh? Yes this was my thoughts too.
from what I read its the out of focus blur area of a picture that ADDs to the pictures. I wanted to do something like this:
but again another fail....
So this is what I got.
This is a REALLY bad picture, I mean all I focused on was a gross long strand of grass in my yard. But what you see in the background is the bokeh.
Here is another one.
I really love Bokeh, I really didn't know what it meant but I do love it. I LOVE LOVE this picture from a fellow photographer Lacey Voth
Ok so there you go. Enjoy!
I had great plans for this one but sick kids and 5 shoots in 5 days killed that plan.
most of the time you won't find me wearing any shoes, I hate shoes on my feet but I LOVE buying shoes....I hate socks too.....therefor my feet are nasty nasty. Thank goodness my husband spoils me with pedicures for every occasion.
So These are my shoes of the day. I love these shoes! I bought them on a garage sale for .50 when I was pregnant with Jaxon. My feet were so swollen I couldn't even get them on half way but I had hopes of wearing them the following year. I remember being SO excited about being able to wear these shoes. It was like a milestone that all the baby weight had melted away. On this day the shoes fell victim to a what activity.....
Day 19: Something Orange
Got to love a good Popsicle!
her first Popsicle I let her eat on her own......we got it backwards.....I think it was feeling good on her sore gums, darn teeth anyway!
Day 20: Bokeh
you say what is bokeh? Yes this was my thoughts too.
from what I read its the out of focus blur area of a picture that ADDs to the pictures. I wanted to do something like this:
but again another fail....
So this is what I got.
This is a REALLY bad picture, I mean all I focused on was a gross long strand of grass in my yard. But what you see in the background is the bokeh.
Here is another one.
I really love Bokeh, I really didn't know what it meant but I do love it. I LOVE LOVE this picture from a fellow photographer Lacey Voth
Ok so there you go. Enjoy!
Day 15,16 and 17
Weekends are a killer for getting these posted and I didn't do a single productive thing all weekend!
Day 15: Silhouette
These are so boring! So sorry!
My curtain in the bathroom, it is a fishing net that was hand made by Derek's grandpa, since he is not here anymore it is pretty special.
One of the roses D got me for having such a crummy weekend with a sick sick baby girl, what Great guy!
Now this is a silhouette! I can't wait for their wedding on the lake at sunset in a few short months!
One of my sweet friends and her family on their ranch North of North Platte, taken last summer.
Day 16: Long Exposure
I had these great plans to do sparklers and try out the steps from this call here I found her because of my sweet friend blogger Kim She has some great blogs! But I guess I will have to try those another day.
So This is what I got
There are these really cool landscape pictures where they expose the picture for like 5-10 seconds and the water looks like glass. I think they are really cool so that's what I tried to do with the flowers.....I'll keep working on that. And jj on his bike is boring but it works.
Day 17: Technology
I struggle with technology, the technology I've been working on the most lately is this one,
My camera. I'm getting better but not there yet, just got a new flash unity from AlienBees LOVE it! but it's a little overwhelming. working on getting lightroom and photoshop along with a mac.......yes a mac! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Any guidance in this area is welcome!
So theirs the weekend pictures for you! I'll hopefully be back with today's later!
Happy Monday all!
Day 15: Silhouette
These are so boring! So sorry!
My curtain in the bathroom, it is a fishing net that was hand made by Derek's grandpa, since he is not here anymore it is pretty special.
One of the roses D got me for having such a crummy weekend with a sick sick baby girl, what Great guy!
Now this is a silhouette! I can't wait for their wedding on the lake at sunset in a few short months!
One of my sweet friends and her family on their ranch North of North Platte, taken last summer.
Day 16: Long Exposure
I had these great plans to do sparklers and try out the steps from this call here I found her because of my sweet friend blogger Kim She has some great blogs! But I guess I will have to try those another day.
So This is what I got
There are these really cool landscape pictures where they expose the picture for like 5-10 seconds and the water looks like glass. I think they are really cool so that's what I tried to do with the flowers.....I'll keep working on that. And jj on his bike is boring but it works.
Day 17: Technology
I struggle with technology, the technology I've been working on the most lately is this one,
My camera. I'm getting better but not there yet, just got a new flash unity from AlienBees LOVE it! but it's a little overwhelming. working on getting lightroom and photoshop along with a mac.......yes a mac! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Any guidance in this area is welcome!
So theirs the weekend pictures for you! I'll hopefully be back with today's later!
Happy Monday all!
Day 14: Eyes
My kids are into the dress up thing. We have these rediculous goggles for skiing that are the covited item. I think my dad wore them at some point in life.
Day 12 and 13
Day 12 Sunset:
Yeah so I wasn't awake for it and it was rainy and cloudy anyway so I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been good anyway. So here are some I've taken within the last month!
The Top one is a bride and groom I have in Sept. Taken at his parents ranch and the 2nd one is the sunset in CO from 4th of July weekend. I really couldn't tell you exactly where in Colorado we were but This was the shot from the high way going 65 with a point and shoot camera. This picture isn't half as pretty as the real thing. I love sunsets!!!!
Day 13: 13 items and myself
My lunch!
1. salt
2. pepper
3. Cheese
4. Carrots
5. Cottage cheese
6. Pickles
7. Mustard
8. Fresca
9. canned peppers
10. Mayo
11. lettuce
12. plate
13. knife
and me!
Yeah so I wasn't awake for it and it was rainy and cloudy anyway so I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been good anyway. So here are some I've taken within the last month!
The Top one is a bride and groom I have in Sept. Taken at his parents ranch and the 2nd one is the sunset in CO from 4th of July weekend. I really couldn't tell you exactly where in Colorado we were but This was the shot from the high way going 65 with a point and shoot camera. This picture isn't half as pretty as the real thing. I love sunsets!!!!
Day 13: 13 items and myself
My lunch!
1. salt
2. pepper
3. Cheese
4. Carrots
5. Cottage cheese
6. Pickles
7. Mustard
8. Fresca
9. canned peppers
10. Mayo
11. lettuce
12. plate
13. knife
and me!
Day 9, 10 & 11
I failed this weekend in getting pictures on the right days. Life goes on!
Day 9: someone you love
My Jesus is the #1 Person I strive to love....not always the way I act....My desire is for my children to learn to love him the same.
Day 10: Childhood Memory
I LOVE ice cream. I always have. I remember being very young and making my own bowl of it. I'm passing this love onto Miss Lexi Jo.......This WAS my cone. She stole it:-)
Day 11: Something Blue
My Niece Ashtyn has some of the bluest eyes I have ever seen. She gives me this look a lot! What a smart little girl! I don't know many 2 year olds that can sing the whole ABC's and count to 15:-)
Tomorrows will be more difficult for me. I'm usually passed out in bed before the sunset comes my take a nap in preparation!
Day 9: someone you love
My Jesus is the #1 Person I strive to love....not always the way I act....My desire is for my children to learn to love him the same.
Day 10: Childhood Memory
I LOVE ice cream. I always have. I remember being very young and making my own bowl of it. I'm passing this love onto Miss Lexi Jo.......This WAS my cone. She stole it:-)
Day 11: Something Blue
My Niece Ashtyn has some of the bluest eyes I have ever seen. She gives me this look a lot! What a smart little girl! I don't know many 2 year olds that can sing the whole ABC's and count to 15:-)
Tomorrows will be more difficult for me. I'm usually passed out in bed before the sunset comes my take a nap in preparation!
Day 8: Bad Habit
This one is not fun....well ok I had fun getting a picture of it but I really don't want you to know WHAT exactly is my bad's really bad.....There is strength in number so first I'm going to show you Lexi's bad habit.....
She has a passy...that really mommy doesn't want to make her give up. The plan WAS not past 6 months......well we are almost 11 months and not there yet. AND she has not 1 but 2 lovies. If you want this girl to go to sleep you better have this combo right here. a side note, I don't beat my daughter, she had a bad reaction to mosquito bites on the 4th and we are still recovering.....hence the black eyes
OK here it goes.....MY bad habit.....
Did you guess what it is? Well it said I just have to take a picture of never said I had to tell you!
oh is that mean? Yes I know it is. If I were you I would be going crazy right now.........
ok ok, I'll tell you,
I don't shower fact sometimes I can't remember the last time I did shower. I used to be really good but then I had kids and my brain went out the door with personal time. So there, now you know. I sometimes go days without washing....SO GROSS, I know, love me anyway please.
She has a passy...that really mommy doesn't want to make her give up. The plan WAS not past 6 months......well we are almost 11 months and not there yet. AND she has not 1 but 2 lovies. If you want this girl to go to sleep you better have this combo right here. a side note, I don't beat my daughter, she had a bad reaction to mosquito bites on the 4th and we are still recovering.....hence the black eyes
OK here it goes.....MY bad habit.....
Did you guess what it is? Well it said I just have to take a picture of never said I had to tell you!
oh is that mean? Yes I know it is. If I were you I would be going crazy right now.........
ok ok, I'll tell you,
I don't shower fact sometimes I can't remember the last time I did shower. I used to be really good but then I had kids and my brain went out the door with personal time. So there, now you know. I sometimes go days without washing....SO GROSS, I know, love me anyway please.
Day 7: Fruit
I LOVE tomatoes. I could eat tomatoes everyday and be very happy. So technically tomatoes are a fruit....right?.....Well today they are.
My first tomatoes are coming up in my garden! So excited!
My first tomatoes are coming up in my garden! So excited!
Day 6: Low Angle
one of my daycare boys found the smallest grass hopper I have ever seen this morning. I decided it had to be my subject for today's challenge! He his on Trayton's finger at the lowest angle I could get at. As a side point, my lens goes to an f stop of 1:3 this is why the background is so blurry. I LOVE my lens!
I have this other photo I really think is perfect for the "low angle" son might not think so in 10 years but he's not here to debate this.
I have this other photo I really think is perfect for the "low angle" son might not think so in 10 years but he's not here to debate this.
Day 5: From a High Angle
So at 9:50pm. I had not finished this assignment. Lexi has decided that the light switch is fun to play with....Lexi had yet to go to sleep because of her new found toy. So I grabbed the camera and went in. My children share a bedroom (9x10ft). We may be rearranging their room soon.....
She is reaching for a "high angle". Pretty sure this is NOT what they had in mind but no one said I had to follow the rules exactly....
Since I take pictures of children/babies most of the time. A lot of the pictures are shot from a higher angle then the child. At a wedding I did in May we took a picture for their thank you notes. The plan was to climb on the roof and shoot it, we resorted to the gym later.
Pretty sure this is more what they had in mind.
As a side note. I just got done watching Nick Kelsh radio show. Check out his FB page how to photograph your baby. His show today talked about high angles.
She is reaching for a "high angle". Pretty sure this is NOT what they had in mind but no one said I had to follow the rules exactly....
Since I take pictures of children/babies most of the time. A lot of the pictures are shot from a higher angle then the child. At a wedding I did in May we took a picture for their thank you notes. The plan was to climb on the roof and shoot it, we resorted to the gym later.
Pretty sure this is more what they had in mind.
As a side note. I just got done watching Nick Kelsh radio show. Check out his FB page how to photograph your baby. His show today talked about high angles.
Day 4: Something Green...
While trying to figure out what to take a picture of that was green, I thought I would take a picture of a green girlfriend laughs and goes "your so thoughtful, I would just take a picture of grass"....honestly I hadn't thought about grass! That is too simple and EASY! So after failing to get a good firework picture I took a picture of some grass:-)
with my sweet niece Haylee Grace and Lexi ready to attack!
This would be a good one too. It is from Thursday of last week at Life group picnic. I love watermelon, but I think Lexi likes it more:-)
with my sweet niece Haylee Grace and Lexi ready to attack!
This would be a good one too. It is from Thursday of last week at Life group picnic. I love watermelon, but I think Lexi likes it more:-)
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