
Day 5: From a High Angle

So at 9:50pm. I had not finished this assignment. Lexi has decided that the light switch is fun to play with....Lexi had yet to go to sleep because of her new found toy. So I grabbed the camera and went in. My children share a bedroom (9x10ft). We may be rearranging their room soon.....
She is reaching for a "high angle". Pretty sure this is NOT what they had in mind but no one said I had to follow the rules exactly....

Since I take pictures of children/babies most of the time. A lot of the pictures are shot from a higher angle then the child. At a wedding I did in May we took a picture for their thank you notes. The plan was to climb on the roof and shoot it, we resorted to the gym later.

Pretty sure this is more what they had in mind.

As a side note. I just got done watching Nick Kelsh radio show. Check out his FB page how to photograph your baby. His show today talked about high angles.

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